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EICR Reports

EICR Reports

Proudly offering  certified EICR reports across North, West and East London.

As a homeowner, you want to be sure that your property is safe and up to standard. One way to do this is to get a domestic EICR report. 

Energy North is an  company that provides City&Guilds EICR reports across south, east and north London. Our qualified electricians will inspect your property and provide you with a detailed report on any needed repairs or improvements. We can also provide quotes for any work that needs to be done. Getting a domestic EICR report is a great way to ensure the safety of your home. Contact Energy North today to learn more about our services.

View our EICR report directly by clicking here.

EICR Reports For Your Home

An EICR report ( Electrical Installation Condition Report) is an important document compiled by our qualified electricians which assess the safety and condition of an electrical installation. It is typically carried out every five years or whenever there has been a change of occupancy.

The inspection includes a visual check of all accessible areas, as well as testing of a sample of electrical accessories using specialist equipment.

Once the inspection is complete, our electrician will compile a report detailing any areas of non-compliance with current regulations. This report will be submitted to the (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting), who will then issue a certificate of compliance.

It is important to have an up-to-date EICR report on file, as it provides evidence that the property meets current safety standards. This is particularly important when selling or renting a property, as it can help to speed up the transaction and avoid any potential delays.

EICR New Laws You Need to Be Aware Of

Electrical Safety Regulations 18th Edition BS7671 to come into force for landlords Subject to approval by both Houses of Parliament landlords and agents. The Landlords and real state agencies will ensure electrical installation inspections and testing are carried out for all new tenancies in England from 1 July 2020. 

The Government has laid The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 meaning landlords must ensure every fixed electrical installation is inspected and tested at least every five years by a qualified person. The Regulations also state that a landlord is required to obtain a report of the results of the inspection and test, supply it to each tenant within 28 days and retain a copy until the next inspection is due. 

Upon request, the report must be provided to the local housing authority within 7 days and remedial work within the 28 days. The Regulations require local housing authorities to enforce the rules and they have the power to arrange remedial action. Proven breaches of the Regulations can result in the local housing authority imposing a financial penalty of up to £30,000.

Source: Government Legislation

City&Guilds Certified

If you're looking for a qualified electrician to carry out an EICR (electrical installation condition report), look no further than Energy North. We're City&Guilds Certified, meaning we have the necessary skills and qualifications to safely carry out these reports. 

We'll thoroughly inspect your electrical installation and identify any areas that need improvement. We'll then provide you with a detailed report outlining any work that needs to be carried out. So if you're looking for a qualified electrician to carry out an EICR, be sure to give us a call on 07882246263

Contact Us For Your EICR Report

Need an EICR report across North, West and East London? Call our  electricians on 07882246263 or leave us a message and we will get back to you by using our easy-to-use contact form

 We look forward to hearing from you.


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